Wow... how do you condense 2+ years into one post? Here's some of the highlights, hopefully in order!
* I ran off and eloped with Ron in April 2006. We've been married over two years now! (Yes, that was the crazy thing I did that I wouldn't tell you about...)
* Pierre committed suicide in June 2006.
* Lana has graduated from high school, is engaged to Nate, and has moved out of her mother's house.
* Through a series of events too complicated to get into here, Shandy has moved in with her aunt.
* Jak got a job working at a grocery store, and loves it. She should be getting her driver's license very soon!
* Kayla has been doing very well in soccer, and is planning on attending a high school in another county next year to play for them as their (eventual) varsity keeper.
* Nikki is a wonderful student and will be starting high school this coming year.
* Lu has been obsessed with Avatar for well over a year now. She can repeat episodes verbatim.
* Violet has started piano lessons (finally). She's progressing quite well!
*Ron transferred work sites, and it now takes him 5 minutes to get to work. Not bad!
*And I'm still at my same old job, with the same old manager who doesn't like me, doing the same old things. :)
And I have 3/4 of my garage cleaned out, as of yesterday, and plan on finishing the last 1/4 this week so we can have a killer yard sale on Friday/Saturday. And then we'll leave for Yellowstone/Grand Tetons either Sunday or Monday. Whee!
5 Free Pretzels at Philly Pretzel Factory
20 hours ago
Makes my head spin when I see it all in one place.
That's not even the half of it... my life amazes even me sometimes.
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