Violet has been taking piano lessons for about 9 months. She's doing very well, and recently had her first piano recital. I was so proud of her!
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3 hours ago
Do you suffer from this Chinese curse? I know I do.
I would haved LOVED to have had the opportunity to learn the piano when I was younger!
Absolutely love and she has fabulous poise (you have to LOOK good as well as sound good!)
The hammers rebound, allowing the strings to continue vibrating at their resonant frequency
piano lessons
I can see why!
Nice! Very, very poised!!!
I used to hate piano recitals. So much memorizing! Used to get hives! Aargh!!!
Very cool, she plays beautifully. I'm jealous, I would love to play piano. I raced BMX growing up and that was my allotted extracurricular activity. I do play drums but that's not as pretty as piano.
very nice..better than me....for sure!!!
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