Ahoy, mateys! Greetin's from Pegleg Jackson. Batten down t' hatches, and prepare t' be boarded. It be....
International Talk Like A Pirate Day
So, be ye goin' t' join in t' fun today? Ye can land here t' search for yer pirate name. If not, jes' slink away like the scurvy dog that ye are. Arrrrr!
Ye best be learnin' t' be talkin' like a buccaneer, if'n ye know what's best for ye, ye scalliwag. Else it be Davy Jones locker fer ye!
(Yo, ho... yo, ho... a pirates' life fer me...)
5 Free Pretzels at Philly Pretzel Factory
20 hours ago
Hi Suz,
Arrived via black box quiz on Lane's Write, great british blog. I live in Cornwall England and know all about pirates! How the heck do you manage all these lovely children? We have 4, eldest off to uni tomorrow 4 hour drive away but at least we get the cupboards full of cups, mugs, glasses and cutlery again.
Arrrr ... it does me sea-weathered bones t'world o' good t'see the awld pirate traditions bein' upheld in t'heathen colonies.
Happy ITLAPD :)
lol! It makes my head hurt just trying today, so I guess I'll be slinking away....
Arrr. I be Red Stefan The Gouger.
Ye be ‘avin a fine blog ye be. Arrrr
frankie, not all of them live with us right now. We have one out on her own, one living with my sister, three with us, and two are currently living with the Lunatic Ex-Wife.
But it's still like holding on to a tiger by the tail!
Arrrrr, Ro 'n Red Stefan! It be a might fine day when feller buccaneers be a payin' me a visit. Avast, mateys! I be a-needin' help t' abscond with the bilge rat dftf t' toss her in t' the sea smartly!
I think that swashbuckler tide be over, but I wanted t' thank ye forallowin' me t' be a child again jus' fer a wee minutes.
'Tis fun, is it not dave? Methinks the grown buccaneers enjoy this day more 'n the ragtag bunch 'o kiddos. Mine were a-rollin' their eyes at me all day Friday.
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